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I very much appreciate feedback, comments, thoughts, questions, or just a thumbs up towards this blog.
It might take me some time to get back to you. As I am sometimes busy or just without internet. Just email me, Dom.

Email: dom(at)

Current location

I will try to keep the location of AIVIA the second kite proa prototype up to date. Any questions please get in touch.

Looking for help with:

  • blogging, video, and photo shooting (if you are passionate about this and would like to help with the kite proa project please email me)
  • boatbuilding (if you want to learn how to build a DIY boat and could imagine helping for a few weeks or for the entire next prototype please email me, no prior knowledge needed)
  • sanding (its just a joke, I guess it takes more than three months before one likes it and I am not there jet : ))
  • kite design and making (if you are passionate about making custom kites with or without experience please email me)
  • sponsors (any sponsor but in particular for epoxy, composite fibers, kites, ropes&lines, tools, general shipping, general engineering, CAD software, or cash would be very much appreciated)

Questions & Answers

Do I answer emails?
Yes please get in touch if you have any questions about this project or are just interested.

Who designed the kite proa boats?
Dominic Garben

Would you share the plans or CAD files for the kite proa?
Yes, please email me.

If you like to help this project with a donation that would be great! Or if you are involved in a project where we could be of help please email me.

How is this project funded?
From 2021 until September 2023 it has been privately funded by Dominic Garben and a few 1000h have gone into it.

Who is this webpage built?
I am using WordPress, with the theme Neve and the starter side Neve 3.